Now Tess, by all that's tender and strong between man and woman, trust me! 唉,苔丝,让我用男女之间的善良和强烈的感情起誓,相信我吧!
For one thing, nowadays, most children are brought up by their parents with tender care. 首先,现在的大多数孩子都是在父母的悉心关爱下长大。
We agree to abide by the conditions of Tender specified above. 我们同意遵守以上规定的投标条款。
In line with the Penang state government's CAT governance of Competency Accountability and Tranparency, all development projects are carried out by open tender. 州政府秉持能干、公信及透明的施政原则,以公开招标进行所有发展计划。
She curtseyed and went out, followed by Buck Mulligan's tender chant. 她行了个屈膝礼,踱了出去。勃克·穆利根那温柔的歌声跟在后面。
You conquered us drastically by your tender intonation, your warm embrace, your forceful silhouette, your mopish eyes, tear sliding from your eyes. I have saw you long time ago. 是你温柔的话语、温暖的拥抱、英挺的身姿、忧郁的眼神和你眼中滑落的泪,彻底征服了我们。
Whole hazelnut center surrounded by light and tender cream, crispy wafer, and coconut coating. 以整粒榛仁为心,外裹轻滑细腻的奶油、酥脆的威化和椰味外皮。
And it is "market of long end" by the tender important insurance that moves to maturity as soon as possible to develop and proceed with these three links especially. 而重点开发从这三个环节入手是“长尾市场”尽快由稚嫩走向成熟的重要保证。
Poison pill is known by the public after Sina set up poison pill as defense tactic against Shengda purchasing its stocks by tender offer, but in home there is no systematic study on poison pill. 自盛大要约收购新浪股票,新浪设置“毒丸”作为反收购措施后,“毒丸”开始为国内人们所熟悉,但是在我国较少有对“毒丸”的系统研究。
We can clarify mature man and woman by their kind, tender or cool but this is rather not the standard for kids. 对成熟的女人和男人,我们以是否温顺柔婉或阳刚冷峻甄别他们是否漂亮,而孩子不是。
Under the programme, the HKMC notes will be sold from time to time by tender to a group of market makers and recognized dealers appointed by the hkma. 根据是项计划,按揭证券公司票据将以不定期招标方式售予金管局指定的市场庄家及认可交易商。
Early morning breakfast will be served onboard as you arrive in Patmos and be transferred to the small harbour by tender boats. 在船上早餐后到达帕特莫斯,之后将坐摆渡船抵达小港湾。
Later, by the tender full moon, Jupiter will be just perfectly positioned and that will bring some of your most breathtaking moments of all. 后来,由投标满月,木星将只是一个完美的位置,这将带给您最惊险的所有时刻。
These seasons cannot be forced any more than one can force the coming of spring by pulling at tender blades of grass to make them grow. 四季无法人为地加以改变,就如一个人无法用拔苗助长的方法强令春天到来一样。
Under this approach, residential sites will be offered for sale by tender. 根据这个方案,住宅用地会以招标方式出售。
Only those alternative offers which appear to provide additional financial, economic or technical benefits over the basic offer will be considered by the employer in tender evaluation. 只有对那些在基本报价基础上提供另外的财务,经济和技术好处的供选择方案,业主才在评标中给予考虑。
The Contractor shall then be paid for such varied work under the terms set out in the day-work schedule included in the Contract and at the rates and prices affixed thereto by him in the Tender. 承包商应获得按合同中包对此类按计日工作制实施的工程的报酬,按照他的标书中的利率和价格。
Cake containing shredded coconut in batter and frosting. Whole hazelnut center surrounded by light and tender cream, crispy wafer, and coconut coating. 切碎的椰丝放在奶油面糊中再撒上霜状白糖,以之为馅做成的蛋糕。以整粒榛仁为心,外裹轻滑细腻的奶油、酥脆的威化和椰味外皮。
And a good deed that calls itself by tender names becomes the parent to a curse. 用种种美名自夸的善行,会化作诅咒之源。
This Notice shall also apply to a bond issue by tender by the Ministry of Railways. 铁道部招标发行债券的,适用本通知。
The results indicated that we could get the high efficiency in callus induction by using the tender branch and leaf because of their strong polarization. 2,4-D was more effective in inducing callus than use NAA. 结果表明:具有较强分生能力的新生茎段和叶片能够得到很高的诱导率,与NAA相比,2,4D在诱导中作用显著。
OBJECTIVE: To discuss the effectiveness and rationality of medical institution's pharmaceuticals procurement by tender bidding. 目的:对医疗机构药品集中招标采购的有效性与合理性进行探讨。
It is important for tenderers to determine responsibilities and the allowable range of quoted price by thorough understanding tender files and communicating with owners, and to find the items that may bring some great risks and manage to obviate, divert and control them. 投标人要通过研究招标文件及与业主交流,弄清其责任和允许的报价范围,找出商务文件中会给投标人带来重大风险的条款,设法回避、转移、控制风险。
On the contrary, acquisition by tender offer helps to improve the equity of acquisition trade, but the current compulsive tender offer system affects the efficiency of acquisition trade negatively. 要约收购有利于改善并购交易的公平性,但现行的强制要约收购制度影响了并购交易效率。
Acquiring a listed company differs with common corporate acquisitions over the matter of target company and can be achieved by sending public tender offers or signing agreements in China. 上市公司收购与一般公司收购的区别在于收购的目标公司不同。
Discussion on the Purchase of Goods and Material by Invitation to Tender in Enterprise 浅议企业的物资招标采购
Tender offer means that bidder obtain control over target company by making tender offer to shareholders of target company to buy their stocks. 要约收购是指收购者向目标公司股东发出购买其股份的要约从而实现获取目标公司的控制权。
This paper first introduces the significance and the basic procedure of purchasing medical equipment by centralized tender, as well as the rights and duties of a hospital. Especially the paper points out the important links of purchasing medical equipment by centralized tender. 作者在论述了医疗设备集中招标采购的意义、基本程序以及医院在集中招标采购中的权利和义务后,重点论述了医疗设备集中招标采购中应注意的几个重要环节。
The Techniques on Growing Chinese Hawthorn Cuttings by Tender Branch Cutting Twig Cutting and Fast Breeding Technology of the Breed 84K of Aspen 山楂嫩枝插条育苗研究84K杨嫩枝插条育苗快繁技术